Coconut Hair Oil Recipes: Simple, Safe and Effective

Coconut hair oil recipes are so easy and cost-effective to prepare. As you’ll see, there’s practically no preparation involved.

I massage about a tablespoon of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) on my hair and scalp after every other bath. This is the simplest way for me.

Beware of so-called coconut oil shampoos. I’ve tried several of them but they all didn’t work, especially for my dandruff. Harmful chemicals must have been added to those products.

If time is not an issue, the most effective way is to soak your hair thoroughly with coconut oil, but not too much. You wouldn’t want to be dripping all over the place.

Leave it on for an hour or so (ideally, overnight) then wash the oil out with the mildest shampoo you can find. For maintenance purposes, you can do this 2-3 times a week, even daily if you like. It’s all up to you. Just don’t forget to put a covering on your head when you do this over night.

Others like to cover their heads with a shower cap and then take a long relaxing bath, after which, the oil is washed off.

If you enjoy using the tub a lot, this one’s for you. But don’t do it with chlorinated water. I won’t even bathe in “harmful” chlorinated water for more than two minutes.

Just Coconut Oil

As you can see, recipes using coconut oil for your hair is as simple as using justcoconut oil. That’s it!

Coconut oil really works remarkably by itself. No fancy recipes or whatever. Give it a fair try and you’ll be amazed!

Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) or Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA) abundantly found in coconut oil have antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic properties that keep your hair and scalp from drying and breaking.

Coconut hair oil recipes need not be elaborate. A “coconut-oil-only-recipe” can safely give you manageable, radiant and full-bodied hair. Indeed, nature knows best.

Coconut Milk?

An indispensable ingredient in many Filipino dishes, coconut milk is great for your hair, too. Even greater according to some. It’s no surprise really, for the benefits of coconut milk are similar to coconut oil.

Use the milk as you would the oil. My relatives in the province swear that using coconut milk even promotes hair growth and restores its natural color.

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Do you have a question about coconut hair oil recipes? Ask anything! And do share your story or tip while at it, or vice versa.

Read What Other Visitors Have Asked and Shared

Click on the links below to see some excellent questions, great stories and tips about coconut hair oil recipes. They were all written by other visitors to this page…

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Hello. I am just wondering what are the steps to put the Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) on? Do I wash my hair first then put the coconut oil and leave on overnight? …

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I am fine with putting the oil on my scalp but how do I then get the oil out so my hair isn’t greasy? Hi Joan, All you have to do to get the …

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