What Foods to Eat When Breaking a Coconut Oil Detox

by Anonymous

I kept a one-day water fast and then switched to coconut oil and lime with some salt for four days. On my doctor’s advice I also started taking some probiotic pills to help build up the good bacteria in my gut.

I plan on breaking my fast tomorrow but I’m in a dilemma on what foods I should start with. I was thinking some fresh yogurt in the morning followed by some vegetable broth or soup. Then start with grilled vegetables the next day.

Do you have any suggestions on which foods would be best to eat after a 5-day fast/detox?

PS: Thanks for all the information on your website 🙂


First of all, I like what you’ve done, it’s something I would love to do on a more regular basis. And I totally agree with your doctor’s advice of taking probiotics. Not many conventional doctors, at least the ones I and some of my loved ones have been to, are keen on providing sound nutritional advice to their patients.

Most experts agree that it’s best to keep things simple after doing a fast/detox. Simple here means “easy-to-digest” foods. It makes a lot of sense, really.

Many people fast/detoxify because they know their bodies need it. After many months or years of eating chemical-laden foods (usually hard-to-digest foods like processed meat, etc.), the toxicity level in their bodies is taking its toll. So they ditch the not-so-healthy foods and start a cleansing program such as the coconut oil detox.

Ideally, you would just stop eating the bad stuff and continue with the good stuff, plus more good stuff. But that’s easier said than done. So the next best thing is to limit your intake of questionable foods and increase the healthy ones. Simple, but not easy, I know.

Break your fast with foods that are easy for your body to digest. Eat more vegetables, fruits, fermented foods, etc., and eat less meat, sweets and other processed varieties. Take smaller portions and eat them slowly. Give thanks and take time to fully appreciate how healthy food tastes.

Again, I like what you’re thinking already. Fresh yogurt, vegetable soup, etc…? With that mindset, you’re definitely on the right track.
