Home Remedy Ear Infection: Coconut Oil Kills Much More than Just Bacteria
Home remedy ear infection? If you don’t want to use antibiotics (good for you), coconut oil offers a solid and definitely safer approach.
Ear infections are the most common reason children are given antibiotics. If you’re worried about the overuse of these drugs and their harmful effects, welcome to the club!
In the first place, what if the infection is not always bacterial as commonly believed?
A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association discovered that for children ranging 6 months to 12 years old, waiting 48 hours and receiving only pain medicine was just as effective in clearing up the ear infections as giving antibiotics immediately.
Could it be that viruses are sometimes to blame? Antibiotics are powerless against viruses, which could have led to the above findings.
Good thing there’s coconut oil!

Bacterial or viral, coconut oil will help cure ear infection. You can even throw fungal, parasitic, etc. in the mix if you like.
Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA) so generously found in coconut oil kill a long list of bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, yeasts, worms, protozoa, etc.
MCFAs are a rare type of saturated fatty acids and the muscle behind coconut oil’s supreme antimicrobial punch. Here’s how to use coconut oil to remedy an ear infection.
Fill an eyedropper with coconut oil. Lie on your side and put several drops into your ear canal. Remain like this for a few minutes.
To help work the oil down the canal, move your jaw around. Squeeze a small piece of cotton into your ear and keep it there for 20 minutes or so to prevent the oil from leaking out. But please do not use this procedure if you suspect a punctured eardrum.
Take the coconut oil maintenance dosage to overwhelm the infection from within. Results are maximized when both the external and internal plans of attack are utilized.
Coconut Oil › Natural Cures › Home Remedy Ear Infection