The Coconut Oil and Weight Loss Link: Good or Bad?
The coconut oil and weight loss link is a friendly one. Studies undeniably demonstrate that consuming coconut oil is effective for losing excess weight.
You will safely achieve weight loss by substituting your processed vegetable oils with coconut oil.
The number of overweight people today is staggering. You are considered obese if your weight is 20% or more than your maximum ideal weight. If you’re 18-29 years old, your chances of getting obese has increased by 70%.
Dieting Myth
To control body weight, you must eat according to your metabolic or nutritional type. You must watch your calorie intake and be physically active among other things.
Experts know that dieting is not the true answer to losing weight. You need to be wise on your food choices.
Simply changing your cooking oil from polyunsaturated oils like soybean oil to coconut oil is an excellent start and a smart move, if I may add.
Crash dieting will not work. But changing your lifestyle will.
Thyroid and Metabolism
One of the biggest reasons for being fat is a sluggishmetabolism, which is the sum of all the biochemical processes involved in life. These processes are the basis of life.
Overweight people have consistently slow metabolic rates. It’s kind of easy for their bodies to store away excess calories into fat cells.
Proper thyroid gland activity is necessary to ensure appropriate metabolic rate levels. Polyunsaturated vegetable oils such as sunflower oil depress thyroid activity. This lowers your metabolism which contributes significantly in gaining those extra pounds.
Polyunsaturates add to your weight gain more than any other type. Unsaturated oils essentially block thyroid hormone secretion and the corresponding tissue response to it.
Extraordinary Fat
Coconut oil is very different from the rest. It is 92% saturated but predominantlymedium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) or medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). MCFAs or MCTs have powerful antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, antiparasitic, etc. properties.
Most of the fats you consume are mainly long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) or long-chain triglycerides (LCT). LCFAs or LCTs are harder to digest and circulate in your bloodstream.
MCT-rich coconut oil does not primarily flow in your bloodstream. It is sent directly to your liver for immediate conversion into energy, just like a carbohydrate. Unlike LCTs however, MCTs abundantly found in coconut oil rarely end up as body fat. How can they, when they are used as fuel.
Keep Going
Having lots of energy encourages you to engage in physical activities to burn off spare body fat. Did you know that a single meal prepared with coconut oil can keep your metabolism elevated for up to 24 hours?
The coconut oil and weight loss tie up extends even to athletes. Because MCTs can produce energy and speed up metabolism quite quickly, athletes use them to intensify their performance. Athletes keep a very close watch on their body weight
Obesity increases the risk of having heart and gallbladder diseases, diabetes and osteoporosis, among other things. You should also know that obesity together with bone, heart and other problems are common with a decreased metabolism.
Oil Change
Researchers in Canada discovered that by merely shifting your diet from LCT oils like safflower oil to MCT oils such as coconut oil, you can loose more than 35 pounds of blubber annually. This is without changing your diet or calorie intake at all. It’s remarkable what a basic oil change can do.
A True Weight-Loss Friend
The beneficial coconut oil and weight loss interconnection is profound and unmistakable. Losing unwanted fat is very doable with coconut oil. Weight loss is not that difficult when you make the sensible choices. Coconut oil and weight loss are not foes, but true friends, in the battle of the bulge.
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