Coconut Oil Acid Reflux: Satisfy Hunger Faster and Longer

Coconut oil acid reflux? By satisfying your hunger better than any other fat can, coconut oil can keep painful heartburns from occurring.

Though there are a number of factors that can bring about acid reflux, perhaps the most prevalent of all is poor diet habits, which includes overeating.

Just so everything’s clear, let’s draw the distinction between acid reflux and heartburn.

Acid reflux is the action, while heartburn is the sensation. The pain is heartburn, while the movement of acid into the esophagus from the stomach is acid reflux.

When you overeat, your stomach can’t keep up with the demand to process all the acids. So food gets backed up, and digestive acids slip past your esophageal valve to generate that undesirable burning sensation centered in your chest.

Because it satisfies your hunger sooner and longer, coconut oil significantlyreduces your tendency to overeat and helps you avoid getting hungry between meals. And if you love eating tomatoes, fatty foods or any other highly acidic foods, this coconut oil benefit gets even more profound.

But coconut oil itself is acidic so it contributes to acid reflux, you might say.

Coconut oil is obviously composed of fatty acids, making it acidic, true. But coconut oil is predominately medium chain fatty acids (MCFA).

Unlike long chain fatty acids (LCFA) found in virtually all other fats, MCFAs arequickly digested and absorbed by your body. MCFA-rich coconut oil digests so fast that it can provide energy as fast as the sugars.

Studies have shown that as the MCFA content of food increased, total food consumption decreased. Coconut oil is nature’s most concentrated source of MCFAs.

Coconut Oil Natural Cures › Coconut Oil Acid Reflux